
malignant deity; baleful, noxious; strike dead



煞 shā
  • to terminate
  • to cut short
  • to bring to a stop
  • to squeeze
  • to tighten
  • to damage
  • variant of 殺|杀[sha1]
煞 shà
  • fiend
  • demon
  • very
  • (Tw) SARS (loanword)


煞 stroke order diagram
煞 stroke order animation


有介事 shà yǒu jiè shì to make a show of being very much in earnest (idiom); to act as if one is taking things very seriously
有其事 shà yǒu qí shì see 煞有介事[sha4 you3 jie4 shi4]
氣 shā qì to vent one's anger on (an innocent party); to take it out on (sb)
氣 shà qì baleful look; inauspicious influence; (of a tire, balloon etc) to leak air
气腾腾 shā qì téng téng variant of 殺氣騰騰|杀气腾腾[sha1 qi4 teng2 teng2]
氣騰騰 shā qì téng téng variant of 殺氣騰騰|杀气腾腾[sha1 qi4 teng2 teng2]
神 shà shén demon; fiend
筆 shā bǐ to stop one's pen; to break off writing; final remarks (at the end of a book or article)
費苦心 shà fèi kǔ xīn to take a lot of trouble (idiom); painstaking; at the cost of a lot of effort
账 shā zhàng to settle an account
賬 shā zhàng to settle an account
車 shā chē to brake (when driving)
風景 shā fēng jǐng to be an eyesore; (fig.) to spoil the fun; to be a wet blanket