
forge metal; perfect one's skill



  • forge metal
  • perfect one's skill
  • variant of 鍛|锻[duan4]


煅 stroke order diagram
煅 stroke order animation


烧 duàn shāo to calcine (purify by heating)
àn duàn sealed pot calcination (TCM)
成末 duàn chéng mò to calcine (purify by heating)
炼 duàn liàn to forge; to toughen; to temper
煉 duàn liàn to forge; to toughen; to temper
燒 duàn shāo to calcine (purify by heating)
炉 duàn lú forge; fig. extremely hot environment
爐 duàn lú forge; fig. extremely hot environment
石膏 duàn shí gāo plaster of Paris; calcined gypsum
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