
bake, roast, toast, cook

HSK 4 #2629


  • bake, roast, toast, cook
  • to roast
  • to bake
  • to broil



胡椒香肠 kǎo hú jiāo xiāng cháng roast pepper sausage; pepperoni
胡椒香腸 kǎo hú jiāo xiāng cháng roast pepper sausage; pepperoni
鸡 kǎo jī roast chicken
雞 kǎo jī roast chicken
电 kǎo diàn diathermia (medical treatment involving local heating of body tissues with electric current)
電 kǎo diàn diathermia (medical treatment involving local heating of body tissues with electric current)
饼 kǎo bǐng scone
餅 kǎo bǐng scone
鴨 kǎo yā roast duck
面包 kǎo miàn bāo toast; to bake bread
麵包 kǎo miàn bāo toast; to bake bread
面包机 kǎo miàn bāo jī toaster
麵包機 kǎo miàn bāo jī toaster
jú kǎo to bake; gratin
bèi kǎo to bake; to roast; to kiln
xūn kǎo to smoke; to cure over a wood fire
shāo kǎo barbecue; to roast
酱 shāo kǎo jiàng barbecue sauce
醬 shāo kǎo jiàng barbecue sauce
xiàn kǎo freshly baked; freshly roasted
xiàn kǎo freshly baked; freshly roasted
饼 bó kǎo bǐng pancake
餅 bó kǎo bǐng pancake
huǒ kǎo get roasted by fire
màn kǎo slow-roasting; to roast slowly