
bright, luminous; glorious



  • bright, luminous
  • glorious
  • bright
  • brilliant
  • luminous


炳 stroke order diagram
炳 stroke order animation


biāo bǐng shining; splendid
千古 biāo bǐng qiān gǔ to shine through the ages (idiom)
文 bǐng wén luminous style
然 bǐng rán to be manifest for everyone to see
焕 bǐng huàn bright and brilliant
煥 bǐng huàn bright and brilliant
烛 bǐng zhú by bright candlelight
燭 bǐng zhú by bright candlelight
耀 bǐng yào bright and luminous
著 bǐng zhù eminent; renowned
蔚 bǐng wèi splendid (of writing style)
麟 zhāng bǐng lín Zhang Taiyan 章太炎 (1869-1936), scholar, journalist, revolutionary and leading intellectual around the time of the Xinhai revolution
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