
calamity, disaster, catastrophe


  • calamity, disaster, catastrophe
  • disaster
  • calamity
  • variant of 災|灾[zai1]
  • old variant of 災|灾[zai1]


災 stroke order diagram


jiǎn zāi measures to reduce disasters
huǒ zāi fire (that burns buildings etc)
區 zāi qū disaster area; stricken region
場 zāi chǎng disaster area; scene of accident
害 zāi hài calamity; disaster; CL:個|个[ge4]
害鏈 zāi hài liàn series of calamities; disaster following on disaster
後 zāi hòu after a catastrophe; post-traumatic
情 zāi qíng disastrous situation; calamity
星 zāi xīng comet or supernova viewed as evil portent
殃 zāi yāng disaster
民 zāi mín victim (of a disaster)
禍 zāi huò disaster
荒 zāi huāng natural disaster; famine
變 zāi biàn catastrophe; cataclysmic change
變說 zāi biàn shuō catastrophism (theory that geological changes are brought about by catastrophes such as the biblical flood)
變論 zāi biàn lùn catastrophism; the theory that geological change is caused by catastrophic events such as the Biblical flood
難 zāi nàn disaster; catastrophe
難性 zāi nàn xìng catastrophic
難片 zāi nàn piàn disaster movie
牢獄之 láo yù zhī zāi imprisonment
破財免 pò cái miǎn zāi a financial loss may prevent disaster (idiom)
祈福禳 qí fú ráng zāi to pray for luck and sacrifice to avoid disasters (i.e. traditional superstitions)
祛邪除 qū xié chú zāi to drive away demons to prevent calamity (idiom)
gǔ zāi market crash
自然害 zì rán zāi hài natural disaster