
burn; broil; cauterize; bright



  • burn
  • broil
  • cauterize
  • bright
  • luminous
  • burning
  • to burn
  • to cauterize


灼 stroke order diagram
灼 stroke order animation


伤 zhuó shāng a burn (tissue damage from heat, chemicals etc); to burn (the skin etc); (fig.) (of anger, jealousy etc) to hurt (sb)
热 zhuó rè burning hot; scorching; worried
shāo zhuó to burn; to scorch; to cauterize
jiāo zhuó (literary) deeply worried
真知见 zhēn zhī zhuó jiàn penetrating insight
yōu zhuó worrying
yōu zhuó worrying
傷 zhuó shāng a burn (tissue damage from heat, chemicals etc); to burn (the skin etc); (fig.) (of anger, jealousy etc) to hurt (sb)
急 zhuó jí worried
熱 zhuó rè burning hot; scorching; worried
痛 zhuó tòng burn (i.e. wound); burning pain
见 zhuó jiàn to see clearly; deep insight; profound view
見 zhuó jiàn to see clearly; deep insight; profound view
shāo zhuó to burn; to scorch; to cauterize
伤 shāo zhuó shāng burn (injury); scorching
傷 shāo zhuó shāng burn (injury); scorching
感 shāo zhuó gǎn burning pain
感 shāo zhuó gǎn burning pain
疼 shāo zhuó téng burning pain
疼 shāo zhuó téng burning pain
真知見 zhēn zhī zhuó jiàn penetrating insight
热 wèi zhuó rè heartburn; pyrosis
熱 wèi zhuó rè heartburn; pyrosis
shǎn zhuó flash
shǎn zhuó flash
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