
spirit, soul; spiritual world

HSK 5 #734


灵 líng
  • quick
  • alert
  • efficacious
  • effective
  • to come true
  • spirit
  • departed soul
  • coffin


灵 stroke order diagram
灵 stroke order animation


气 líng qì spiritual influence (of mountains etc); cleverness; ingeniousness
小精 xiǎo jīng líng elf
dū líng Torino; Turin (Italy)
药 líng yào legendary magic potion of immortals; panacea; fig. wonder solution to a problem
wēi líng authority; prestige; supernatural spirit
活性 líng huó xìng flexibility
活现 huó líng huó xiàn living spirit, living image (idiom); true to life; vivid and realistic
机一动 líng jī yī dòng a bright idea suddenly occurs (idiom); to hit upon an inspiration; to be struck by a brainwave
hún líng soul; mind; idea
在天之 zài tiān zhī líng soul and spirit of the deceased
柩 líng jiù coffin containing a corpse
丹妙药 líng dān miào yào effective cure, miracle medicine (idiom); fig. wonder-cure for all problems; panacea; elixir
敏度 líng mǐn dù (level of) sensitivity
bù líng not work; be ineffective
鸟 bǎi líng niǎo skylark
动 líng dòng to be quick-witted
手巧 xīn líng shǒu qiǎo capable; clever; dexterous
yīng líng spirit of a martyr; spirit of the brave departed; person of remarkable talent
猫 líng māo civet (arboreal cat); viverrid (mammal group including mongoose and civet)
shuǐ líng (of fruit etc) fresh; (of a person etc) full of life; healthy-looking; (of eyes) moist and bright; lustrous
堂 líng táng mourning hall; funeral hall
冥顽不 míng wán bù líng stupid; stubborn; pigheaded
shuǐ líng líng see 水靈|水灵[shui3 ling2]
长目 líng zhǎng mù primate order (including monkeys, hominids etc)
涂炭 shēng líng tú tàn people are in a terrible situation (idiom)