
a bay, cove, inlet, bend of stream


  • a bay, cove, inlet, bend of stream
  • bay
  • gulf
  • to cast anchor
  • to moor (a boat)


灣 stroke order diagram


sān wān Sanwan township in Miaoli county 苗栗縣|苗栗县[Miao2 li4 xian4], northwest Taiwan
鄉 sān wān xiāng Sanwan township in Miaoli county 苗栗縣|苗栗县[Miao2 li4 xian4], northwest Taiwan
下龍 xià lóng wān Ha Long Bay, Vietnam
亞丁 yà dīng wān Gulf of Aden
亞龍 yà lóng wān Yalong Bay in Sanya 三亞|三亚[San1 ya4], Hainan
北部 běi bù wān Gulf of Tonkin
南泥 nán ní wān Nanniwan
tái wān variant of 臺灣|台湾[Tai2 wan1]; Taiwan
民主自治同盟 tái wān mín zhǔ zì zhì tóng méng Taiwan Democratic Self-Government League
海峽 tái wān hǎi xiá Taiwan Strait
葉鼻蝠 tái wān yè bí fú leaf-nosed bat
話 tái wān huà Taiwanese Chinese (language)
關係法 tái wān guān xì fǎ Taiwan Relations Act (of US Congress, 1979)
國務院台事務辦公室 guó wù yuàn tái wān shì wù bàn gōng shì Taiwan Affairs Office
國立臺技術大學 guó lì tái wān jì shù dà xué National Taiwan University of Science and Technology
mò wān Gulf of Mexico
墨西哥 mò xī gē wān Gulf of Mexico
大亞 dà yà wān Daya Bay
區 dà wān qū Greater Bay Area, established in 2017, consisting of Hong Kong, Macao and nine cities in Guangdong (abbr. for 粵港澳大灣區|粤港澳大湾区[Yue4 Gang3 Ao4 Da4 wan1 Qu1])
契沙比克 qì shā bǐ kè wān Chesapeake Bay
孟加拉 mèng jiā lā wān Bay of Bengal
xiá wān fjord
幾內亞 jǐ nèi yà wān Gulf of Guinea
zhāng wān Zhangwan district of Shiyan city 十堰市[Shi2 yan4 shi4], Hubei
區 zhāng wān qū Zhangwan district of Shiyan city 十堰市[Shi2 yan4 shi4], Hubei
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