
bank, a sandbar, shoal; rapids


灘 tān
  • beach
  • shoal
  • rapids
  • CL:片[pian4]
  • classifier for liquids: pool, puddle


冷水 lěng shuǐ tān Lengshuitan district of Yongzhou city 永州市[Yong3 zhou1 shi4], Hunan
冷水區 lěng shuǐ tān qū Lengshuitan district of Yongzhou city 永州市[Yong3 zhou1 shi4], Hunan
古董 gǔ dǒng tān Gudong desert or Antiques desert at Han dynasty Yangguan pass 陽關|阳关[Yang2 guan1], named after many Han dynasty archaeological discoveries
wài tān the Shanghai Bund or Waitan
戈壁 gē bì tān Gobi desert
戈壁荒 gē bì huāng tān barren sands of the Gobi desert
qiǎng tān to make an amphibious assault; to seize a beachhead; to gain a foothold in (a new market)
àn tān hidden shoal
shā tān beach; sandy shore; CL:片[pian4]
排球 shā tān pái qiú beach volleyball
鞋 shā tān xié beach shoes; wetsuit booties
河漫 hé màn tān floodplain
hé tān river bank; strand
沿 yán tān Yantan district of Zigong city 自貢市|自贡市[Zi4 gong4 shi4], Sichuan
沿區 yán tān qū Yantan district of Zigong city 自貢市|自贡市[Zi4 gong4 shi4], Sichuan
hǎi tān beach; CL:片[pian4]
qiǎn tān shallows; shoal; sandbar
指示浮標 qiǎn tān zhǐ shì fú biāo bar buoy; buoy marking shallows or sandbar
塗 tān tú mudflat
頭堡 tān tóu bǎo beachhead (military)
白鶴 bái hè tān Baihetan, the name of a hydroelectric dam on the Jinsha River 金沙江[Jin1 sha1 jiang1] at a point where the river forms a border between Yunnan and Sichuan
白鹼 bái jiǎn tān Baijiantan district (Uighur: Jerenbulaq Rayoni) of Qaramay City 克拉瑪依市|克拉玛依市[Ke4 la1 ma3 yi1 shi4], Xinjiang
白鹼區 bái jiǎn tān qū Baijiantan district (Uighur: Jerenbulaq Rayoni) of Qaramay City 克拉瑪依市|克拉玛依市[Ke4 la1 ma3 yi1 shi4], Xinjiang
yán tān salt flats; salt lake
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