
approach, be on verge of; near


  • approach, be on verge of
  • near
  • to approach
  • to border on
  • near


危 bīn wēi endangered (species); in imminent danger; critically ill
危物種 bīn wēi wù zhǒng endangered species
危野生動植物種國際貿易公約 bīn wēi yě shēng dòng zhí wù zhǒng guó jì mào yì gōng yuē Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora; CITES
於 bīn yú near to; approaching (collapse)
死 bīn sǐ nearing death; on the point of demise; approaching extinction
河 bīn hé bordering a river; riparian
海 bīn hǎi coastal; bordering the sea
滅 bīn miè on the brink of extinction
臨 bīn lín on the edge of; (fig.) on the verge of; close to
近 bīn jìn on the brink
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