
drain off, leak; flow, pour down


  • drain off, leak
  • flow, pour down
  • to flow out swiftly
  • to flood
  • a torrent
  • diarrhea
  • laxative


上吐下 shàng tù xià xiè to vomit and have diarrhea
乳糜 rǔ mí xiè celiac disease
qīng xiè to pour down in torrents
bēn xiè (of torrents) rush down; pour down
山泥傾 shān ní qīng xiè a landslide
感染性腹 gǎn rǎn xìng fù xiè infective diarrhea
pái xiè variant of 排泄[pai2 xie4]; to excrete (urine, sweat etc)
物 pái xiè wù excrement
xiè xiè diarrhea; loose bowels; to have the runs
xiè xiè diarrhea; loose bowels; to have the runs
liú xiè to flow; to flood
zé xiè common water plantain (Alisma plantago-aquatica); water plantain rhizome (used in TCM)
湖 xiè hú lagoon
肚 xiè dù to have diarrhea
肚子 xiè dù zi see 瀉肚|泻肚[xie4 du4]
藥 xiè yào laxative
鹽 xiè yán epsom salts
葉 fān xiè yè senna leaf (Folium sennae)
fù xiè diarrhea; to have the runs
bǔ xiè reinforcing and reducing methods (in acupuncture)
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