
ditch, sluice, gutter, drain


瀆 dú
  • disrespectful
  • (literary) ditch


mào dú to disrespect; blasphemy
sì dú (archaic) the four rivers (Yangtze 長江|长江[Chang2 Jiang1], Yellow 黃河|黄河[Huang2 He2], Huai 淮河[Huai2 He2], Ji 濟水|济水[Ji3 Shui3]); (TCM) acupuncture point SJ-9
職 dú zhí wrongdoing; failure to do one's duty
zì dú masturbation; to masturbate
xiè dú to blaspheme; to profane
神明 xiè dú shén míng to blaspheme; to commit sacrilege
tān dú (of an official) corrupt and negligent of his duty
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