strain out, filter


  • strain out, filter
  • to strain
  • to filter


偏極光鏡 piān jí lǜ guāng jìng polarizing filter
shèn lǜ percolation
壺 shèn lǜ hú coffee percolator
出 lǜ chū to filter out
嘴 lǜ zuǐ cigarette filter
器 lǜ qì filter; strainer
塵器 lǜ chén qì dust filter
壓壺 lǜ yā hú French press; press pot
毒通風裝置 lǜ dú tōng fēng zhuāng zhì filtration equipment
泡 lǜ pào follicle
波 lǜ bō filtering radio waves (i.e. to pick out one frequency)
波器 lǜ bō qì filter
液 lǜ yè filtrate
清 lǜ qīng to filter and purify
清器 lǜ qīng qì a filter
盆 lǜ pén colander
砂 lǜ shā filter sand
紙 lǜ zhǐ filter paper
網 lǜ wǎng filter; a sieve
色鏡 lǜ sè jìng color filter
芯 lǜ xīn filter cartridge; filter
過 lǜ guò to filter
鍋 lǜ guō colander
除 lǜ chú to filter out
餅 lǜ bǐng filtrate; solid residue produced by a filter; mud from filtering can sugar
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