
flood, overflow; excessive


濫 làn
  • overflowing
  • excessive
  • indiscriminate


下三 xià sān làn riffraff; scum; lowlife; despicable; inferior
sú làn clichéd; tacky
寧缺勿 nìng quē wù làn same as 寧缺毋濫|宁缺毋滥[ning4 que1 wu2 lan4]
寧缺毋 nìng quē wú làn better to have nothing (than substandard choice) (idiom); would prefer to go without than accept shoddy option
fàn làn to be in flood; to overflow (the banks); to inundate; to spread unchecked
成災 fàn làn chéng zāi lit. to flood (idiom); fig. rampant; in plague proportions
fú làn excessive; exorbitant; excessively
交 làn jiāo to fall into bad company; to make acquaintances indiscriminately
伐 làn fá to denude; illegal logging; forest clearance
刑 làn xíng indiscriminate punishment
套子 làn tào zi platitude; pointless talk
好人 làn hǎo rén sb who tries to be on good terms with everyone
情 làn qíng fickle in love; sentimentality
權 làn quán abuse of authority
殺 làn shā to kill indiscriminately; to massacre
殺無辜 làn shā wú gū willfully slaughter the innocent (idiom)
漫 làn màn arbitrary; indiscriminate
用 làn yòng to misuse; to abuse
用權力 làn yòng quán lì abuse of power
用職權 làn yòng zhí quán abuse of power
伐 làn kǎn làn fá wanton destruction of forested lands
竽 làn yú indiscriminately included in company (without any qualification); see 濫竽充數|滥竽充数[lan4 yu2 chong1 shu4]
竽充數 làn yú chōng shù lit. to play the yu 竽 mouth organ to make up numbers (idiom); fig. to make up the numbers with inferior products; to masquerade as having an ability; token member of a group
罵 làn mà scurrilous; to scold indiscriminately
觴 làn shāng lit. floating wine goblets on a stream; the origin (of some phenomenon)
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