
wet, moist, humid, damp; an illness


濕 shī
  • variant of 濕|湿[shi1]
  • moist
  • wet


bǎo shī to moisturize; moisturizing
器 jiā shī qì humidifier
xī shī to absorb; absorbent
性 xī shī xìng absorbent
jūn shī to moisten evenly (e.g. in tanning leather)
尖銳疣 jiān ruì shī yóu genital wart; condyloma acuminatum
尿不 niào bù shī (coll.) disposable diaper
常在河邊走,哪有不鞋 cháng zài hé biān zǒu , nǎ yǒu bù shī xié a person who regularly walks by the river cannot avoid getting their shoes wet (proverb); (fig.) it comes with the territory (e.g. a person with the power to grant favors will inevitably succumb to temptation and take a bribe)
拉魯地國家自然保護區 lā lǔ shī dì guó jiā zì rán bǎo hù qū Lhalu Wetland National Nature Reserve in Lhasa
bǐ shī specific humidity
奴 pí shī nú Vishnu (Hindu deity)
zhān shī to moisten; to dampen; to be steeped in; to be imbued with
yīn shī to soak
jìn shī to soak; to saturate
lín shī to get soaked
rùn shī to moisten (e.g. of rain); to wet
cháo shī damp; moist
吻 shī wěn French kiss
噠噠 shī dā dā variant of 濕答答|湿答答[shi1 da1 da1]
地 shī dì wetland
婆 shī pó Shiva (Hindu deity)
巾 shī jīn wet wipe; towelette
度 shī dù humidity level
氣 shī qì moisture; humidity; athlete's foot; tinea; eczema
淥淥 shī lù lù variant of 濕漉漉|湿漉漉[shi1 lu4 lu4]
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