HSK | 3 |
FREQUENCY | 2695th character |
RADICAL | ⽔ (85.13) |
STROKES | 16 |
INDEX # | 3378 |
wash, bathe
澡 zǎo |

洗澡 xǐ zǎo | to bathe; to take a shower |
冲澡 chōng zǎo | to take a shower |
澡堂 zǎo táng | public baths |
澡盆 zǎo pén | bath tub |
擦澡 cā zǎo | to rub oneself down with a wet towel; to take a sponge bath |
澡塘 zǎo táng | communal bath; common pool in bath house |
沖澡 chōng zǎo | to take a shower |
泡澡 pào zǎo | to bathe; to immerse oneself in a warm bath |
洗澡间 xǐ zǎo jiān | bathroom; restroom; shower room; CL:間|间[jian1] |
洗澡間 xǐ zǎo jiān | bathroom; restroom; shower room; CL:間|间[jian1] |
澡垢索疵 zǎo gòu suǒ cī | to wash the dirt to find a defect (idiom); to find fault; to nitpick |
澡巾 zǎo jīn | scrub mitt; shower glove |
澡罐 zǎo guàn | tub (used for ablutions in a monastery) |
澡身浴德 zǎo shēn yù dé | to bathe the body and cleanse virtue (idiom); to improve oneself by meditation; cleanliness is next to godliness |
热水澡 rè shuǐ zǎo | hot bath or shower |
熱水澡 rè shuǐ zǎo | hot bath or shower |
鸟澡盆 niǎo zǎo pén | birdbath |
鳥澡盆 niǎo zǎo pén | birdbath |
洗澡时 xǐ zǎo shí | when bathing; during bathing; in the process of bathing |
冷水澡 lěng shuǐ zǎo | cold shower |
洗过澡 xǐ guò zǎo | have taken a bath; indicates the completion of the action of bathing |