
flooding river; militarily defeat


潰 kuì
  • to be dispersed
  • to break down
  • to fester
  • to ulcerate


一觸即 yī chù jí kuì to collapse on the first encounter; to give way at once
千里之堤,於蟻穴 qiān lǐ zhī dī , kuì yú yǐ xué an ant hole may cause the collapse of a great dike (idiom); huge damage may result from a moment's negligence
bēng kuì to collapse; to crumble; to fall apart
jī kuì to defeat; to smash; to rout
不成軍 kuì bù chéng jūn utterly defeated
兵 kuì bīng defeated troops; routed army; scattered soldiers
壩 kuì bà dam burst; collapse of dam
敗 kuì bài utterly defeated; routed; crushed; to collapse (of army)
散 kuì sǎn defeated; routed
敵 kuì dí routed enemy
決 kuì jué to collapse (of a dam); to burst
爛 kuì làn to fester; to ulcerate
瘍 kuì yáng ulcer; to ulcerate
膿 huì nóng (of a sore etc) to fester; to ulcerate
軍 kuì jūn routed troops
逃 kuì táo to flee in disorder; defeated and in rout
精神崩 jīng shén bēng kuì nervous breakdown
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