
pour, splash, water, sprinkle; violent, malignant


潑 pō
  • to splash
  • to spill
  • rough and coarse
  • brutish


sā pō to make an unreasonable scene
扯麵 yóu pō chě miàn broad, belt-shaped noodles, popular in Shaanxi, also known as 𰻞𰻞麵|𰻝𰻝面[biang2 biang2 mian4]
huó po lively; vivacious; brisk; active; (chemistry) reactive
冷水 pō lěng shuǐ lit. to pour cold water on; fig. to dampen one's enthusiasm
出去的水 pō chū qù de shuǐ spilt water; (fig.) sth that can not be retrieved; spilt milk
婦 pō fù shrew; vixen
婦罵街 pō fù mà jiē shouting abuse in the street like a fishwife
掉 pō diào spill
水 pō shuǐ to sprinkle; to spill water
水節 pō shuǐ jié Songkran (Thai New Year)
水難收 pō shuǐ nán shōu water once spilt cannot be retrieved (idiom); irreversible change
濺 pō jiàn to spatter
煙花 pō yān huā low-class prostitute
物 pō wù evil creature (curse word)
賤 pō jiàn base; worthless
賤人 pō jiàn rén slut; tramp (old)
辣 pō la shrewish; pungent; forceful; bold and vigorous
髒水 pō zāng shuǐ (lit.) to splash dirty water; (fig.) to throw mud at; to smear (sb)
piáo pō (of rain) pouring
大雨 piáo pō dà yǔ downpour (idiom)
而下 piáo pō ér xià (of rain) to fall heavily
shuǎ pō (dialect) to make an unreasonable scene
fēng pō crazy
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