
soak through, infiltrate


滲 shèn
  • to seep
  • to ooze
  • to horrify


透 fǎn shèn tòu anti-infiltration (measures taken against subversive external forces); (chemistry) reverse osmosis
透法 fǎn shèn tòu fǎ (Tw) Anti-infiltration Act (2020), which regulates the influence of entities deemed foreign hostile forces
可變透性模型 kě biàn shèn tòu xìng mó xíng Varying Permeability Model (VPM), (used to calculate decompression schedules in diving)
入 shèn rù to permeate
出 shèn chū to seep out; to exude
出物 shèn chū wù exudate
坑 shèn kēng sewage pit
析 shèn xī dialysis
水 shèn shuǐ water seepage
流 shèn liú to seep; leakage
涼 shèn liáng to feel cold (as symptom); permeated by cold
溝 shèn gōu sewer
漏 shèn lòu seepage; leakage
濾 shèn lǜ percolation
濾壺 shèn lǜ hú coffee percolator
碳 shèn tàn carburization
色 shèn sè bleeding
透 shèn tòu (lit. and fig.) to permeate; to seep into; (of a product, idea etc) to penetrate (in a population); (of hostile forces) to infiltrate; (chemistry) osmosis
透壓 shèn tòu yā osmotic pressure
透 nì shèn tòu reverse osmosis
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