zhì chì

block up, obstruct; stagnant


滯 zhì
  • sluggish


tíng zhì stagnation; at a standstill; bogged down
不前 tíng zhì bù qián stuck and not moving forward (idiom); stagnant; in a rut; at a standstill
níng zhì to stagnate; to congeal; (fig.) to stop still; to freeze
dāi zhì dull; lifeless; sluggish
àn zhì dull (complexion)
bǎn zhì stiff; dull
qì zhì stagnation of 氣|气[qi4] (TCM)
yū zhì silted up; obstructed by silt; variant of 瘀滯|瘀滞[yu1 zhi4]
塞 zhì sāi to obstruct
後 zhì hòu to lag behind
期費 zhì qī fèi demurrage charge (shipping) (currency)
留 zhì liú to detain; retention
留鋒 zhì liú fēng stationary front (meteorology)
納 zhì nà overdue (payment); in arrears
納金 zhì nà jīn overdue fine; late fine
脹 zhì zhàng stagflation (i.e. simultaneous inflation and stagnation)
銷 zhì xiāo to sell poorly; unmarketable; slow-moving (product, inventory etc)
yū zhì (in Chinese medicine) stasis (of blood or other fluids)
目光呆 mù guāng dāi zhì to have a lifeless look in one's eyes (idiom)
jiǎn zhì awkward; ominous; unfavorable
yū zhì high-sounding and impractical
chí zhì delay; procrastination
現象 chí zhì xiàn xiàng hysteresis
zǔ zhì to clog up; silted up
nián zhì viscous
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