
extinguish; wipe out, exterminate


  • extinguish
  • wipe out, exterminate
  • to extinguish or put out
  • to go out (of a fire etc)
  • to exterminate or wipe out
  • to drown


不可磨 bù kě mó miè indelible
亡國種 wáng guó miè zhǒng country destroyed, its people annihilated (idiom); total destruction
人不為己,天誅地 rén bù wèi jǐ , tiān zhū dì miè Look out for yourself, or heaven and earth will combine to destroy you.; Every man for himself, and the Devil take the hindmost.
假途虢 jiǎ tú miè guó lit. a short-cut to crush Guo (idiom); fig. to connive with sb to damage a third party, then turn on the partner
jiǎo miè to eliminate (by armed force)
半明不 bàn míng bù miè dull (lamplight)
tūn miè to absorb
絕 dà miè jué mass extinction
大絕 dà jué miè mass extinction
大義親 dà yì miè qīn to place righteousness before family (idiom); ready to punish one's own family if justice demands it
yí miè to massacre; to die out
jì miè to die out; to fade away; nirvana (Buddhism)
寵妾妻 chǒng qiè miè qī favor the concubine and do away with the wife (idiom); spoil one's mistress and neglect one's wife
yǐ miè extinct
huàn miè (of dreams, hopes etc) to vanish; to evaporate; (of a person) to become disillusioned; disillusionment
扶清洋 fú qīng miè yáng Support the Qing, annihilate the West! (Boxer rebellion slogan)
pū miè to eradicate; to extinguish
gōng miè to conquer; to defeat (militarily)
duàn miè annihilation (of soul, Sanskrit uccheda)
論 duàn miè lùn annihilation (of soul, Sanskrit uccheda)
zú miè to execute all of sb's relatives (as punishment) (old)
míng miè to flicker; to flash on and off; to brighten and fade
jiān miè to wipe out; to crush; to annihilate
shā miè to exterminate
huǐ miè to perish; to ruin; to destroy
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