
lukewarm, warm; tepid, mild


  • lukewarm, warm
  • tepid, mild
  • surname Wen
  • warm
  • lukewarm
  • temperature
  • to warm up
  • mild
  • soft
  • tender
  • to review (a lesson etc)
  • fever (TCM)
  • old variant of 瘟[wen1]


shǔ wēn summer-warm disease (TCM)
zhū wēn Zhu Wen (852-912), military governor 節度使|节度使[jie2 du4 shi3] at the end of Tang, founder of Later Liang of the Five Dynasties (907-923), also known as Emperor Taizu of Later Liang 後梁太祖|后梁太祖[Hou4 Liang2 Tai4 zu3]
qì wēn air temperature; CL:個|个[ge4]
shuǐ wēn water temperature
表 shuǐ wēn biǎo engine temperature gauge; coolant temperature gauge
泉 pào wēn quán to soak in a spa or hot spring
海洋差發電 hǎi yáng wēn chā fā diàn ocean thermal energy conversion (OTEC)
cè wēn to measure temperature
乎 wēn hu warm; lukewarm
切斯特 wēn qiē sī tè Winchester (town in south England, capital of former kingdom of Wessex)
厚 wēn hòu good-natured; warm and generous; gentle
和 wēn hé mild; gentle; moderate
和 wēn huo lukewarm
和性 wēn hé xìng tenderness
和派 wēn hé pài moderate faction
哥華 wēn gē huá Vancouver (city in Canada)
哥華島 wēn gē huá dǎo Vancouver Island
壓 wēn yā temperature and pressure
婉 wēn wǎn sweet-tempered; gentle
存 wēn cún tender; affectionate; tenderness
室 wēn shì greenhouse
室廢氣儲存 wēn shì fèi qì chǔ cún greenhouse gas sequestration
室效應 wēn shì xiào yìng greenhouse effect
室氣體 wēn shì qì tǐ greenhouse gas
家寶 wēn jiā bǎo Wen Jiabao (1942-), Premier of PRC from 2003-2013