zhuó zhǔn

rule, guideline, standard


準 zhǔn
  • to allow
  • to grant
  • in accordance with
  • in the light of
  • accurate
  • standard
  • definitely
  • certainly
  • about to become (bride, son-in-law etc)
  • quasi-
  • para-


kàn zhǔn to observe and make sure; to check
機會 kàn zhǔn jī huì to watch for an opportunity; to see one's chance to
miáo zhǔn to take aim at; to target
具 miáo zhǔn jù sighting device; sight (for a firearm etc)
符合標 fú hé biāo zhǔn to comply with a standard; standards-compliant
jīng zhǔn accurate; exact; precise; precision
美國國家標學會 měi guó guó jiā biāo zhǔn xué huì American National Standards Institute (ANSI)
美國聯 měi guó lián zhǔn American Federal Reserve
美國資訊交換標碼 měi guó zī xùn jiāo huàn biāo zhǔn mǎ ASCII, American Standard Code for Information Interchange
行為則 xíng wéi zhǔn zé code of conduct; standard of conduct
規矩繩 guī ju zhǔn shéng compasses, set square, spirit level and plumbline (idiom); fig. established standard; norms; criteria
rèn zhǔn to identify clearly; to make sure of; to believe firmly
說不 shuō bù zhǔn unable to say; can't say precisely
調 tiáo zhǔn to adjust to the right value; to tune; to focus (a camera etc); to set (the date, the time) to the correct value
超前瞄 chāo qián miáo zhǔn to aim in front of a moving target
通用漢字標交換碼 tōng yòng hàn zì biāo zhǔn jiāo huàn mǎ UCS, Chinese character coding adopted in PRC 1986; abbr. to 通用碼|通用码[tong1 yong4 ma3]
鄭夢 zhèng mèng zhǔn Chung Mongjoon (1951-), Korean magnate and the founder of Hyundai 現代
雙重標 shuāng chóng biāo zhǔn double standard
非標 fēi biāo zhǔn nonstandard; unconventional