
well up; gush forth; rise


  • well up
  • gush forth
  • rise
  • variant of 湧|涌[yong3]
  • to bubble up
  • to rush forth


pēn yǒng to bubble out; to squirt
quán yǒng to gush
xiōng yǒng to surge up violently (of ocean, river, lake etc); turbulent
làng yǒng (electrical) surge
入 yǒng rù to come pouring in; influx
出 yǒng chū to gush; to gush out; to pour out
泉 yǒng quán gushing spring
流 yǒng liú to gush; to spurt
浪 yǒng làng swell; billows; surging waves
溢 yǒng yì to well up; to spill out (of water from a spring)
現 yǒng xiàn to emerge in large numbers; to spring up; to emerge prominently
起 yǒng qǐ to well up; to boil out; to bubble forth; to spurt
進 yǒng jìn to spill; to overflow (of water, crowds); to crowd (into a space)
cháo yǒng to surge like the tide
fān yǒng to roll over and over (of billows or clouds)
fēng yǒng to swarm; to flock
yún yǒng in large numbers; in force; lit. clouds bubbling up
風起潮 fēng qǐ cháo yǒng lit. wind rises, tide bubbles up; turbulent times; violent development (idiom)
風起雲 fēng qǐ yún yǒng to surge like a gathering storm (idiom); to grow by leaps and bounds
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