

HSK 4 #867


温 wēn
  • surname Wen
  • warm
  • lukewarm
  • temperature
  • to warm up
  • mild
  • soft
  • tender
  • to review (a lesson etc)
  • fever (TCM)
  • old variant of 瘟[wen1]


温 stroke order diagram
温 stroke order animation


饱 wēn bǎo to have enough food and warm clothes; adequately provided
bǎo wēn to keep hot; heat preservation
存 wēn cún tender; affectionate; tenderness
文尔雅 wēn wén ěr yǎ cultured and refined (idiom); gentle and cultivated
热 wēn rè tepid; to warm up (food etc)
计 tǐ wēn jì clinical thermometer
驯 wēn xùn docile; meek; harmless; moderate and obedient; tame
器 héng wēn qì thermostat
布尔顿 wēn bù ěr dùn Wimbledon
cháng wēn room temperature; ordinary temperatures
héng wēn constant temperature
旧梦 chóng wēn jiù mèng to revive old dreams (idiom); to relive past experiences
切斯特 wēn qiē sī tè Winchester (town in south England, capital of former kingdom of Wessex)
和派 wēn hé pài moderate faction
尼伯 wēn ní bó Winnipeg, capital of Manitoba, Canada
布尔登 wēn bù ěr dēng Wimbledon (district of southwest London); Wimbledon Championships (tennis)
jiā wēn to heat; to add warmth; to raise temperature; fig. to stimulate
斯基 lái wēn sī jī Monica Lewinsky (1973-), former White House intern
瓶 bǎo wēn píng thermos
婉 wēn wǎn sweet-tempered; gentle
差 wēn chā difference in temperature
故知新 wēn gù zhī xīn to review the old and know the new (idiom, from the Analects); to recall the past to understand the future
文 wēn wén genteel
wēn wēn mild
良 wēn liáng warm and kind