swelling; the Gulf of Hopei (Hebei)



  • swelling
  • the Gulf of Hopei (Hebei)
  • same as 渤海[Bo2 Hai3], Bohai Sea between Liaoning and Shandong
  • Gulf of Zhili or Chihli


渤 stroke order diagram
渤 stroke order animation


海 bó hǎi Bohai Sea, or Bo Hai, between Liaoning and Shandong; Parhae, Korean kingdom in Manchuria and Siberia 698-926
海湾 bó hǎi wān Bohai Bay
海灣 bó hǎi wān Bohai Bay
澥桑田 bó xiè sāng tián lit. blue seas where once was mulberry fields (idiom, from 史記|史记[Shi3 ji4], Record of the Grand Historian); time brings great changes; life's vicissitudes
海湾地区 huán bó hǎi wān dì qū Bohai Economic Rim (economic region including Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei, Liaoning and Shandong)
海灣地區 huán bó hǎi wān dì qū Bohai Economic Rim (economic region including Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei, Liaoning and Shandong)
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