
decrease, subtract, diminish


  • decrease, subtract, diminish
  • to lower
  • to decrease
  • to reduce
  • to subtract
  • to diminish


緩 jiǎn huǎn to slow down; to retard
肥 jiǎn féi to lose weight
色 jiǎn sè to fade; (fig.) to lose luster; (of an event etc) to be spoiled; (coinage) to become debased
薪 jiǎn xīn to cut wages
號 jiǎn hào minus sign - (math.)
計 jiǎn jì to write down (i.e. to decrease the expected value of a loan)
負 jiǎn fù to alleviate a burden on sb
輕 jiǎn qīng to lighten; to ease; to alleviate
退 jiǎn tuì to ebb; to go down; to decline
速 jiǎn sù to reduce speed; to slow down; to take it easy
速器 jiǎn sù qì moderator; reducer (mechanical gearbox)
除 jiǎn chú to reduce; to lessen (pain etc); to deduct (from taxes)
震 jiǎn zhèn shock absorption; damping
震器 jiǎn zhèn qì shock-absorber
震鞋 jiǎn zhèn xié cushioning shoe
齡 jiǎn líng to become more youthful
發熱伴血小板少綜合徵 fā rè bàn xuè xiǎo bǎn jiǎn shǎo zōng hé zhēng severe fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome (SFTS)
排 tàn jiǎn pái to reduce carbon emissions
jīng jiǎn to reduce; to pare down; to streamline
suō jiǎn to cut; to reduce
juān jiǎn to remove or lighten (a tax etc)
shuāi jiǎn to weaken; to attenuate
cái jiǎn to reduce; to lessen; to cut down
軍備 cái jiǎn jūn bèi arms reduction
dì jiǎn progressively decreasing; gradually falling; in descending order