
decrease, subtract, diminish


  • decrease, subtract, diminish
  • to lower
  • to decrease
  • to reduce
  • to subtract
  • to diminish


當年 bù jiǎn dāng nián (of one's skills, appearance etc) not to have deteriorated a bit; to be as (good, vigorous etc) as ever
偷工料 tōu gōng jiǎn liào to skimp on the job and stint on materials (idiom); jerry-building; sloppy work
光纖衰 guāng xiān shuāi jiǎn optical attenuation
shān jiǎn to abridge (a text); to edit out (of a movie); to cut back (a budget, a curriculum)
xuē jiǎn to cut down; to reduce; to lower
乘除 jiā jiǎn chéng chú four rules of arithmetic; addition, subtraction, multiplication and division
號 jiā jiǎn hào plus-minus sign (±); plus and minus signs (+ and -)
zēng jiǎn to add or subtract; to increase or decrease; to go up or go down
kuān jiǎn tax relief
píng jiǎn to deflate; to decrease (number, esp. price)
dǐ jiǎn to claim a credit against; tax reduction
有增無 yǒu zēng wú jiǎn to increase without letup; to get worse and worse (idiom)
低 jiǎn dī to lower; to reduce
低速度 jiǎn dī sù dù to retard; to decelerate
俸 jiǎn fèng to lower salary; to reduce pay
價 jiǎn jià to cut prices; to discount; to mark down; price cutting
免 jiǎn miǎn to reduce or waive (taxes, punishment, rent, tuition etc)
刑 jiǎn xíng to reduce penalty; shortened or commuted (judicial) sentence
削 jiǎn xuē to reduce; to cut down
半 jiǎn bàn to reduce by half
去 jiǎn qù minus; to subtract
噪 jiǎn zào noise reduction
壓 jiǎn yā to reduce pressure; to relax
壓時間表 jiǎn yā shí jiān biǎo decompression schedule (diving); also called 減壓程序|减压程序[jian3 ya1 cheng2 xu4]
壓病 jiǎn yā bìng decompression sickness; the bends; also 減壓症|减压症[jian3 ya1 zheng4]
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