
surge up, bubble up, gush forth



  • surge up, bubble up, gush forth
  • deep pool
  • deep
  • profound


渊 stroke order diagram
渊 stroke order animation


shēn yuān abyss
源 yuān yuán origin; source; relationship
博 yuān bó erudite; profound; learned; extremely knowledgeable
薮 yuān sǒu (lit.) gathering place of fish or other creatures; (fig.) haunt; lair; nest; den; hotbed
不啻天 bù chì tiān yuān no less than from heaven to the abyss (idiom); differing widely; worlds apart; the gap couldn't be bigger
jiǔ yuān abyss; deep chasm
liú yuān Liu Yuan, warlord at the end of the Western Jin dynasty 西晋, founder of Cheng Han of the Sixteen Kingdoms 成漢|成汉 (304-347)
千鸟国家公墓 qiān niǎo yuān guó jiā gōng mù Chidori ga fuchi, national war cemetery in Tokyo; also called Tomb of the Unknown Soldier
sāi yuān honest and far-seeing
tiān yuān distance between two poles; poles apart
之别 tiān yuān zhī bié a complete contrast; totally different
xiǎo yuān Obuchi (Japanese surname)
惠三 xiǎo yuān huì sān Obuchi Keizo (1937-2000), Japanese politician, prime minister 1998-2000
xuán yuān abyss
lǐ yuān Li Yuan, personal name of first Tang emperor Gaozu 唐高祖[Tang2 Gao1 zu3] (566-635), reigned 618-626
hóng yuān vast and profound
壑 yuān hè deep valley
富 yuān fù rich and variegated
广 yuān guǎng broad and extensive (of knowledge etc)
虑 yuān lǜ profound thoughts or ideas
冲 yuān chōng erudite but open-minded
泉 yuān quán deep springs
泓 yuān hóng vast and profound
海 yuān hǎi (lit.) abyss and ocean; (fig.) vast and profound
深 yuān shēn profound (knowledge); erudite
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