
pure, clean, unspoiled


淨 jìng
  • variant of 淨|净[jing4]
  • clean
  • completely
  • only
  • net (income, exports etc)
  • (Chinese opera) painted face male role


一乾二 yī gān èr jìng thoroughly (idiom); completely; one and all; very clean
不乾不 bù gān bù jìng unclean; filthy; foul-mouthed
不乾不,吃了沒病 bù gān bù jìng , chī le méi bìng a little dirt never killed anybody (proverb); a couple of germs won't do you any harm
gān jìng clean; neat
俐落 gān jìng lì luò clean and efficient; neat and tidy
利落 gān jìng lì luo squeaky clean; neat and tidy; efficient
yún jìng even; uniform
率 shì jìng lǜ price-to-book ratio (finance)
wù jìng Sha Wujing, character from the Journey to the West
手腳不乾 shǒu jiǎo bù gān jìng thieving; light-fingered; prone to stealing
míng jìng bright and clean; luminous
明窗几 míng chuāng jìng jī lit. clear window and clean table (idiom); fig. bright and clean (room)
合成油 qīng jìng hé chéng yóu hydrogenated oil
沙悟 shā wù jìng Sha Wujing
xǐ jìng to wash clean
值 jìng zhí net value; net worth
利 jìng lì net profit
利潤 jìng lì rùn net profit
化 jìng huà to purify
含量 jìng hán liàng net weight
土 jìng tǔ (Buddhism) Pure Land, usually refers to Amitabha Buddha's Western Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss (Sukhavati in Sanskrit)
土宗 jìng tǔ zōng Pure Land Buddhism
手 jìng shǒu to wash one's hands; (fig.) to go to the toilet
收入 jìng shōu rù net income; net profit
水 jìng shuǐ clean water; purified water
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