mud, sediment; clog up, silt up



  • mud, sediment
  • clog up, silt up
  • silt
  • river sludge
  • to silt up
  • choked with silt
  • variant of 瘀[yu1]


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泥 yū ní silt; sludge; ooze
血 yū xuè variant of 瘀血[yu1 xue4]
积 yū jī to silt up; silt; sediment; ooze; slurry
泥而不染 chū yū ní ér bù rǎn lit. to grow out of the mud unsullied (idiom); fig. to be principled and incorruptible
伤 yū shāng bruising
傷 yū shāng bruising
塞 yū sè choked with silt; silted up
滞 yū zhì silted up; obstructed by silt; variant of 瘀滯|瘀滞[yu1 zhi4]
滯 yū zhì silted up; obstructed by silt; variant of 瘀滯|瘀滞[yu1 zhi4]
灌 yū guàn to warp (fertilize land by flooding)
積 yū jī to silt up; silt; sediment; ooze; slurry
血斑 yū xuè bān bruise; patch of bruising
青 yū qīng bruise; contusion
qū yū variant of 祛瘀[qu1 yu1]
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