
sea, ocean; maritime

HSK 4 #189


  • sea, ocean
  • maritime
  • surname Hai
  • ocean
  • sea
  • CL:個|个[ge4],片[pian4]
  • great number of people or things
  • (dialect) numerous


海 stroke order diagram
海 stroke order animation


相沉積物 hǎi xiāng chén jī wù oceanic sediment (geology)
砂 hǎi shā sea sand (sand of the ocean floor or seashore)
砂屋 hǎi shā wū house built with cheap, unreliable concrete which contains a high quantity of sea sand
禁 hǎi jìn prohibition on entering or leaving by sea
空军 hǎi kōng jūn navy and air force
空軍 hǎi kōng jūn navy and air force
空军基地 hǎi kōng jūn jī dì naval and air military base
空軍基地 hǎi kōng jūn jī dì naval and air military base
端 hǎi duān Haiduan or Haituan township in Taitung County 臺東縣|台东县[Tai2 dong1 Xian4], southeast Taiwan
端乡 hǎi duān xiāng Haiduan or Haituan township in Taitung County 臺東縣|台东县[Tai2 dong1 Xian4], southeast Taiwan
端鄉 hǎi duān xiāng Haiduan or Haituan township in Taitung County 臺東縣|台东县[Tai2 dong1 Xian4], southeast Taiwan
纳百川 hǎi nà bǎi chuān all rivers run into the sea; use different means to obtain the same result (idiom)
納百川 hǎi nà bǎi chuān all rivers run into the sea; use different means to obtain the same result (idiom)
綿 hǎi mián sponge (zoology); sponge (piece of absorbent material, either natural or made from plastic etc); foam rubber
绵宝宝 hǎi mián bǎo bǎo SpongeBob SquarePants (US TV animated series, 1999-)
綿寶寶 hǎi mián bǎo bǎo SpongeBob SquarePants (US TV animated series, 1999-)
绵状 hǎi mián zhuàng spongy
綿狀 hǎi mián zhuàng spongy
绵体 hǎi mián tǐ erectile tissue (genital); corpus cavernosum
綿體 hǎi mián tǐ erectile tissue (genital); corpus cavernosum
膽 hǎi dǎn sea urchin
兴 hǎi xīng Haixing county in Cangzhou 滄州|沧州[Cang1 zhou1], Hebei
興 hǎi xīng Haixing county in Cangzhou 滄州|沧州[Cang1 zhou1], Hebei
兴县 hǎi xīng xiàn Haixing county in Cangzhou 滄州|沧州[Cang1 zhou1], Hebei
興縣 hǎi xīng xiàn Haixing county in Cangzhou 滄州|沧州[Cang1 zhou1], Hebei