
sea, ocean; maritime

HSK 4 #189


  • sea, ocean
  • maritime
  • surname Hai
  • ocean
  • sea
  • CL:個|个[ge4],片[pian4]
  • great number of people or things
  • (dialect) numerous


海 stroke order diagram
海 stroke order animation


外赤子 hǎi wài chì zǐ patriotic overseas compatriot
子 hǎi zi (dialect) wetlands; lake
安 hǎi ān Hai'an county in Nantong 南通[Nan2 tong1], Jiangsu
安县 hǎi ān xiàn Hai'an county in Nantong 南通[Nan2 tong1], Jiangsu
安縣 hǎi ān xiàn Hai'an county in Nantong 南通[Nan2 tong1], Jiangsu
寧 hǎi níng Haining county level city in Jiaxing 嘉興|嘉兴[Jia1 xing1], Zhejiang
宁市 hǎi níng shì Haining county level city in Jiaxing 嘉興|嘉兴[Jia1 xing1], Zhejiang
寧市 hǎi níng shì Haining county level city in Jiaxing 嘉興|嘉兴[Jia1 xing1], Zhejiang
宝 hǎi bǎo Haibao, Expo 2010 mascot
寶 hǎi bǎo Haibao, Expo 2010 mascot
尼根 hǎi ní gēn Heineken (Dutch brewing company); see also 喜力[Xi3 li4]
岬 hǎi jiǎ headland
岱 hǎi dài Haidai, historical region extending from the Bohai Sea to Mt Tai in Shandong
岸線 hǎi àn xiàn coastline; seaboard; shoreline
岸警卫队 hǎi àn jǐng wèi duì coastguard
岸警衛隊 hǎi àn jǐng wèi duì coastguard
岸护卫队 hǎi àn hù wèi duì coast guard
岸護衛隊 hǎi àn hù wèi duì coast guard
島 hǎi dǎo island
岛市 hǎi dǎo shì Municipality of the Islands (Macau); Concelho das Ilhas
島市 hǎi dǎo shì Municipality of the Islands (Macau); Concelho das Ilhas
峽 hǎi xiá channel; strait
峡交流基金会 hǎi xiá jiāo liú jī jīn huì Straits Exchange Foundation (SEF); abbr. to 海基會|海基会[Hai3 ji1 hui4]
峽交流基金會 hǎi xiá jiāo liú jī jīn huì Straits Exchange Foundation (SEF); abbr. to 海基會|海基会[Hai3 ji1 hui4]
峡两岸关系协会 hǎi xiá liǎng àn guān xi xié huì PRC Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Straits (ARATS)