to float, drift, waft; to exceed; superfluous

HSK 6 #1462


  • to float, drift, waft
  • to exceed
  • superfluous
  • to float
  • superficial
  • floating
  • unstable
  • movable
  • provisional
  • temporary
  • transient
  • impetuous
  • hollow
  • inflated
  • to exceed
  • superfluous
  • excessive
  • surplus


浮 stroke order diagram
浮 stroke order animation


磁悬 cí xuán fú magnetic levitation (train); maglev
七级屠 qī jí fú tú seven floor pagoda
xià fú downward fluctuation (of prices etc)
光掠影 fú guāng lüè yǐng flickering light and passing shadows (idiom); blurred scenery; cursory; superficial
浅 fú qiǎn skin-deep; superficial; shallow
七級屠 qī jí fú tú seven floor pagoda
于事 rén fú yú shì more hands than needed (idiom); too many cooks spoil the broth
於事 rén fú yú shì more hands than needed (idiom); too many cooks spoil the broth
婆罗屠 pó luó fú tú Borobudur (in Java, Indonesia)
婆羅屠 pó luó fú tú Borobudur (in Java, Indonesia)
yōu fú UFO (loanword); unidentified flying object; space ship
xuán fú to float (in the air etc); suspension
微粒 xuán fú wēi lì particulates; particulate matter
微粒 xuán fú wēi lì particulates; particulate matter
物 xuán fú wù suspended matter
物 xuán fú wù suspended matter
按下葫芦起瓢 àn xià hú lú fú qǐ piáo solve one problem only to find another cropping up
按下葫蘆起瓢 àn xià hú lú fú qǐ piáo solve one problem only to find another cropping up
救人一命胜造七级屠 jiù rén yī mìng shèng zào qī jí fú tú saving a life is more meritorious than building a seven-floor pagoda (idiom)
救人一命勝造七級屠 jiù rén yī mìng shèng zào qī jí fú tú saving a life is more meritorious than building a seven-floor pagoda (idiom)
有沉有 yǒu chén yǒu fú to have one's ups and downs
上 fú shàng to float up; to rise to the surface; fig. to rise in the world
世 fú shì (Buddhism) the world of the living
世绘 fú shì huì ukiyo-e
世繪 fú shì huì ukiyo-e