
to wash, to rinse



  • to wash, to rinse
  • to wash
  • to rinse
  • any of three 10-day division of the month (during Tang dynasty)
  • Taiwan pr. [huan3]
  • also pr. [wan3]
  • variant of 浣[huan4]


浣 stroke order diagram
浣 stroke order animation


熊 huàn xióng raccoon (Procyon lotor)
shàng huàn first ten days of a lunar month
xià huàn last ten days of the lunar month
女 huàn nǚ washerwoman
洗 huàn xǐ to wash (clothes)
涤 huàn dí to wash; to rinse
滌 huàn dí to wash; to rinse
濯 huàn zhuó to wash; to rinse
纱 huàn shā to wash silk
紗 huàn shā to wash silk
纱记 huàn shā jì Huansahji or Washing the Silken Gauze, Yuan and Ming saga reworked by 梁辰魚|梁辰鱼 from History of the Southern States Wu and Yue, 吳越春秋|吴越春秋, a popular opera subject
紗記 huàn shā jì Huansahji or Washing the Silken Gauze, Yuan and Ming saga reworked by 梁辰魚|梁辰鱼 from History of the Southern States Wu and Yue, 吳越春秋|吴越春秋, a popular opera subject
衣 huàn yī to wash clothes
雪 huàn xuě to cleanse oneself of false accusations
布 huǒ huàn bù asbestos cloth
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