
leak; vent; flow; reveal

HSK 6 #2010


泄 xiè
  • to leak (of water or gas)
  • to drip
  • to drain
  • to discharge
  • to leak out
  • to divulge (secrets)
  • to give vent (to anger, spite etc)
  • to disperse
  • to reduce
  • variant of 泄[xie4]


泄 stroke order diagram
泄 stroke order animation


殖肛孔 xiè zhí gāng kǒng cloaca (of bird or reptile)
漏天机 xiè lòu tiān jī to divulge the will of heaven (idiom); to leak a secret; to let the cat out of the bag
漏天機 xiè lòu tiān jī to divulge the will of heaven (idiom); to leak a secret; to let the cat out of the bag
泻 xiè xiè diarrhea; loose bowels; to have the runs
瀉 xiè xiè diarrhea; loose bowels; to have the runs
露天机 xiè lù tiān jī to divulge the will of heaven (idiom); to leak a secret; to let the cat out of the bag
露天機 xiè lù tiān jī to divulge the will of heaven (idiom); to leak a secret; to let the cat out of the bag
dòng xiè lienteric diarrhea (TCM)
劲 xiè jìn to lose heart; to feel discouraged
怒 xiè nù to give vent to anger
欲 xiè yù to sate one's lust
欲工具 xiè yù gōng jù sexual object
殖腔 xiè zhí qiāng cloaca; cloacal cavity (of bird, reptile etc)
洪闸 xiè hóng zhá sluice-gate; flood discharge valve
流 xiè liú drainage
痢 xiè lì to have diarrhea
lòu xiè a leak (e.g. of chemicals)
天机 lòu xiè tiān jī to divulge the will of heaven (idiom); to leak a secret; to let the cat out of the bag