
govern, regulate, administer

HSK 5 #274


治 zhì
  • to rule
  • to govern
  • to manage
  • to control
  • to harness (a river)
  • to treat (a disease)
  • to wipe out (a pest)
  • to punish
  • to research


治 stroke order diagram
治 stroke order animation


zhěn zhì to diagnose and treat
权 tǒng zhì quán sovereignty; dominion; dominance
chéng zhì to punish
亚州 zuǒ zhì yà zhōu Georgia, US state
gēn zhì to bring under permanent control; to effect a radical cure
míng zhì Meiji, Japanese era name, corresponding to the reign (1868-1912) of the Meiji emperor
zhěng zhì to bring under control; to regulate; to restore to good condition; (coll.) to fix (a person); to prepare (a meal etc)
性 zhèng zhì xìng political
méi zhì hopeless; helpless; incurable; fantastic; out of this world
化 zhèng zhì huà to politicize
格林尼 gé lín ní zhì Greenwich (former location of Greenwich observatory, at zero longitude); refers to Greenwich mean time
fǎ zhì rule of law; to rule by law
区 zì zhì qū autonomous region, namely: Inner Mongolia 內蒙古自治區|内蒙古自治区, Guangxi 廣西壯族自治區|广西壮族自治区, Tibet 西藏自治區|西藏自治区, Ningxia 寧夏回族自治區|宁夏回族自治区, Xinjiang 新疆維吾爾自治區|新疆维吾尔自治区
本 zhì běn to take radical measures; to get to the root (of a problem etc)
病救人 zhì bìng jiù rén to treat the disease to save the patient; to criticize a person in order to help him
国 zhì guó to rule a country
罪 zhì zuì to punish sb (for a crime)
局 zhèng zhì jú politburo
标 zhì biāo to treat only the symptoms but not the root cause
bīn zhì punch (loanword)
三文 sān wén zhì sandwich (loanword)
丧 zhì sāng to prepare for a funeral
chǔ zhì to punish; to handle; to deal with (literary)
文 liè zhì wén Richmond (place name or surname)
dé zhì rule by virtue; rule by setting virtuous example (Confucian ideal)