
not, have not, none; to drown, sink


沒 méi
  • (negative prefix for verbs)
  • have not
  • not
沒 mò
  • drowned
  • to end
  • to die
  • to inundate


三個和尚水吃 sān gè hé shang méi shuǐ chī see 三個和尚沒水喝|三个和尚没水喝[san1 ge4 he2 shang5 mei2 shui3 he1]
三個和尚水喝 sān gè hé shang méi shuǐ hē lit. three monks have no water to drink (idiom); fig. everybody's business is nobody's business; (If there is one monk, he will fetch water for himself. If there are two, they will fetch water together. But if there are three or more, none will take it upon himself to fetch water.)
不乾不淨,吃了病 bù gān bù jìng , chī le méi bìng a little dirt never killed anybody (proverb); a couple of germs won't do you any harm
二話說 èr huà méi shuō see 二話不說|二话不说[er4 hua4 bu4 shuo1]
全軍覆 quán jūn fù mò total defeat of an army (idiom); fig. a complete wipeout
八字一撇 bā zì méi yī piě lit. there is not even the first stroke of the character 八 (idiom); fig. things have not even begun to take shape; no sign of success yet
八字還一撇 bā zì hái méi yī piě lit. there is not even the first stroke of the character 八 (idiom); fig. things have not even begun to take shape; no sign of success yet
八字還一撇兒 bā zì hái méi yī piě r lit. there is not even the first stroke of the character 八 (idiom); fig. things have not even begun to take shape; no sign of success yet
chū mò to come and go; to roam about (mostly unseen); (of a ghost) to haunt (a place); (of a criminal) to stalk (the streets); (of the sun) to rise and set
無常 chū mò wú cháng to appear and disappear unpredictably
功不可 gōng bù kě mò one's contributions cannot go unnoticed (idiom)
千里搭長棚,有不散的宴席 qiān lǐ dā cháng péng , méi yǒu bù sàn de yàn xí even if you build a thousand-league awning for it, every banquet must come to an end (idiom)
tūn mò to embezzle; to swallow up; to engulf
嘴上毛,辦事不牢 zuǐ shàng méi máo , bàn shì bù láo a youth without facial hair cannot be relied upon (proverb)
ḿ méi dialectal equivalent of 沒有|没有[mei2 you3]
mái mò to engulf; to bury; to overlook; to stifle; to neglect; to fall into oblivion
天下有不散的宴席 tiān xià méi yǒu bù sàn de yàn xí see 天下沒有不散的筵席|天下没有不散的筵席[tian1 xia4 mei2 you3 bu4 san4 de5 yan2 xi2]
天下有不散的筵席 tiān xià méi yǒu bù sàn de yán xí all good things must come to an end (idiom)
差點 chà diǎn méi almost; nearly; (i.e. same as 差點|差点[cha4 dian3])
從來 cóng lái méi have never; has never
從來有 cóng lái méi yǒu have never; never before
cóng méi never (in the past); never did
想也想 xiǎng yě méi xiǎng without a second thought
拿你辦法 ná nǐ méi bàn fǎ don't know what to do with you; can't really say no to you
rì mò sunset; sundown
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