
sink, submerge; addicted to

HSK 5 #747


沉 chén
  • to submerge
  • to immerse
  • to sink
  • to keep down
  • to lower
  • to drop
  • deep
  • profound
  • heavy
沉 chēn
  • see 黑沉沉[hei1 chen1 chen1]


沉 stroke order diagram
沉 stroke order animation


稳 chén wěn steady; calm; unflustered
住气 chén zhù qì to keep cool; to stay calm
积 chén jī sediment; deposit; sedimentation (geology)
昏昏 hūn hūn chén chén dizzy
浮 chén fú lit. sinking and floating; to bob up and down on water; ebb and flow; fig. rise and fall; ups and downs of fortune; vicissitudes
yīn chén chén dark (weather, mood)
积物 chén jī wù sediment
降 chén jiàng to subside; to cave in; subsidence
chén chén deeply; heavily
湎 chén miǎn deeply immersed; fig. wallowing in; deeply engrossed in
破釜舟 pò fǔ chén zhōu lit. to break the cauldrons and sink the boats (idiom); fig. to cut off one's means of retreat; to burn one's boats
淀物 chén diàn wù precipitate; solid sediment
hūn chén murky; dazed; befuddled; dizzy
甸甸 chén diàn diàn heavy
积岩 chén jī yán sedimentary rock (geology)
fú chén ups and downs (of life etc); to drift along; to sink and emerge
吟 chén yín to mutter to oneself irresolutely
鱼落雁 chén yú luò yàn lit. fish sink, goose alights (idiom, from Zhuangzi 莊子|庄子); fig. female beauty captivating even the birds and beasts
xuè chén erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR)
hēi chēn chēn pitch-black
陷 chén xiàn subsidence; caving in; fig. stranded; lost (in contemplation, daydreams etc)
香 chén xiāng Chinese eaglewood; agarwood tree (Aquilaria agallocha); lignum aloes
大海 shí chén dà hǎi lit. to throw a stone and see it sink without trace in the sea (idiom); fig. to elicit no response
好酒瓮底 hǎo jiǔ chén wèng dǐ lit. the best wine is at the bottom of the jug (idiom); fig. the best is saved for last
好酒甕底 hǎo jiǔ chén wèng dǐ lit. the best wine is at the bottom of the jug (idiom); fig. the best is saved for last