chén shěn tán

sink, submerge; addicted to; surname



沈 chén
  • variant of 沉[chen2]
沈 shěn
  • surname Shen
  • place name
  • liquid
  • to pour


沈 stroke order diagram
沈 stroke order animation


阳市 shěn yáng shì Shenyang subprovincial city and capital of Liaoning province 遼寧省|辽宁省 in northeast China; old names include Fengtian 奉天, Shengjing 盛京 and Mukden
阳故宫 shěn yáng gù gōng Mukden Palace, aka Shenyang Imperial Palace, the main imperial palace during the early years of the Qing dynasty (1625-1644), a secondary palace in subsequent years, now a museum
战役 liáo shěn zhàn yì Liaoshen Campaign (Sep-Nov 1948), the first of the three major campaigns by the People's Liberation Army near the end of the Chinese Civil War
雁杳魚 yàn yǎo yú chén without news from sb (idiom)