
Chinese people; Chinese language

HSK 1 #711


  • Chinese people
  • Chinese language
  • Han ethnic group
  • Chinese (language)
  • the Han dynasty (206 BC-220 AD)
  • man


汉 stroke order diagram
汉 stroke order animation


mǎng hàn fool; muddlehead; boor
dōng hàn Eastern or later Han dynasty, 25-220
wǔ hàn Wuhan city on Changjiang, subprovincial city and capital of Hubei province
lǎo hàn old man; I (an old man referring to himself)
彪形大 biāo xíng dà hàn burly chap; husky fellow
文 hàn wén Chinese written language; Chinese literature esp. as taught abroad
江 hàn jiāng Han River
shén hàn sorcerer
庄稼 zhuāng jia hàn peasant; farmer
格拉姆 gé lā hàn mǔ Graham or Graeme (name)
口 hàn kǒu Hankou, part of Wuhan 武漢|武汉 at the junction of Han river and Changjiang in Hubei
绿林好 lǜ lín hǎo hàn true hero of Greenwood (refers to popular hero in Robin Hood style)
英雄好 yīng xióng hǎo hàn heroes
西 xī hàn Western Han Dynasty (206 BC-8 AD), also called 前漢|前汉[Qian2 Han4], Former Han Dynasty
学 hàn xué sinology; Chinese studies (in foreign schools); Han Learning, a Qing dynasty movement aiming at a philological appraisal of the Classics
白金郡 bái jīn hàn jùn Buckinghamshire (English county)
广 guǎng hàn Guanghan county level city in Deyang 德陽|德阳[De2 yang2], Sichuan
代 hàn dài the Han dynasty (206 BC-220 AD)
奸 hàn jiān traitor (to China)
朝 hàn cháo Han Dynasty (206 BC-220 AD)
诺威 hàn nuò wēi Hanover
上古语 shàng gǔ hàn yǔ Old Chinese (linguistics)
不到长城非好 bù dào cháng chéng fēi hǎo hàn lit. until you reach the Great Wall, you're not a proper person; fig. to get over difficulties before reaching the goal
中古语 zhōng gǔ hàn yǔ Middle Chinese (linguistics)
tōu hàn (of a woman) to take a lover