
air, gas, steam, vapor; spirit


氣 qì
  • gas
  • air
  • smell
  • weather
  • to make angry
  • to annoy
  • to get angry
  • vital energy
  • qi


喘粗 chuǎn cū qì to pant heavily
喜則緩 xǐ zé qì huǎn joy depresses one's qi vital breath; an excess of joy may lead to sluggishness of vital energy (TCM)
xǐ qì hilarity; cheerful atmosphere
洋洋 xǐ qì yáng yáng full of joy (idiom); jubilation
sàng qì to feel disheartened
sàng qi unlucky
話 sàng qì huà demoralizing talk
鬼 sàng qì guǐ downcast wretch; bad-tempered and unpleasant person
tàn qì to sigh; to heave a sigh
òu qì variant of 慪氣|怄气[ou4 qi4]
ài qì belching
吞酸 ài qì tūn suān belching and acid swallowing (medical term)
嘔逆 ài qì ǒu nì belching and retching counterflow (medical term)
腐臭 ài qì fǔ chòu putrid belching (medical term)
酸腐 ài qì suān fǔ belching of sour putrid gas (medical term)
pēn qì jet; blast of air; spurt of gas
式 pēn qì shì jet-propelled
式飛機 pēn qì shì fēi jī jet aircraft
推進實驗室 pēn qì tuī jìn shí yàn shì Jet Propulsion Laboratory, R&D center in Pasadena, California
機 pēn qì jī jet plane
發動機 pēn qì fā dòng jī jet engine
yàn qì to die; to breathe one's last
囂張焰 xiāo zhāng qì yàn overweening attitude; threatening manner
回腸盪 huí cháng dàng qì soul-stirring (of drama, poem or artwork); heart-rending; deeply moving
tǔ qì rustic; uncouth; unsophisticated