end, finish, conclude; completed

HSK 4 #1093


  • end, finish, conclude
  • completed
  • surname Bi
  • the whole of
  • to finish
  • to complete
  • complete
  • full
  • finished


毕 stroke order diagram
毕 stroke order animation


尼奥夫带 bì ní ào fū dài Benioff zone (geology); also called Wadati-Benioff zone
摩 bì mó shaman among the Yi ethnic group
升 bì shēng Bi Sheng (990-1051), inventor of movable type
业典礼 bì yè diǎn lǐ graduation ceremony; commencement exercises
业证书 bì yè zhèng shū diploma; CL:張|张[zhang1],本[ben3]
尔巴鄂 bì ěr bā è Bilbao (city in Spain)
剥剥 bì bì bō bō (onom.) sound of knocking or bursting
节 bì jié Bijie city and prefecture in Guizhou
节地区 bì jié dì qū Bijie prefecture in Guizhou
节市 bì jié shì Bijie city, capital of Bijie prefecture, Guizhou
肖 bì xiào to resemble closely; to be the very image of; to look very much like; to be the spitting image of
设 bì shè graduation project
当天事当天 dàng tiān shì dàng tiān bì never put off until tomorrow what you can do today (idiom)
真相露 zhēn xiàng bì lù real face fully revealed (idiom); fig. to unmask and expose the whole truth
证明完 zhèng míng wán bì QED; end of proof (math.)
克方块 lǔ bì kè fāng kuài Rubik's cube; magic cube