mother; female elders; female

HSK 4 #565


母 mǔ
  • mother
  • elderly female relative
  • origin
  • source
  • (of animals) female


母 stroke order diagram
母 stroke order animation


jì mǔ foster mother
小写字 xiǎo xiě zì mǔ lowercase (letters)
小寫字 xiǎo xiě zì mǔ lowercase (letters)
尼哥底 ní gē dǐ mǔ Nicodemus, prominent Jew of the time of Christ, mentioned in the Gospel of John
巴黎圣院 bā lí shèng mǔ yuàn Notre-Dame Cathedral (Paris, France)
巴黎聖院 bā lí shèng mǔ yuàn Notre-Dame Cathedral (Paris, France)
希腊字 xī là zì mǔ Greek alphabet
希臘字 xī là zì mǔ Greek alphabet
shī mǔ term of respect for your teacher's wife
shī mǔ term of respect for your teacher's wife
座生水 zuò shēng shuǐ mǔ sessile medusa; sea anemone
shì mǔ matricide; to commit matricide
shì mǔ matricide; to commit matricide
hòu mǔ stepmother
cóng mǔ maternal aunt
cóng mǔ maternal aunt
情结 liàn mǔ qíng jié Oedipus complex
情結 liàn mǔ qíng jié Oedipus complex
kàng mǔ (loanword) com (as in "dot-com")
拼音字 pīn yīn zì mǔ phonetic letters
耳记上 sā mǔ ěr jì shàng First book of Samuel
耳記上 sā mǔ ěr jì shàng First book of Samuel
耳记下 sā mǔ ěr jì xià Second book of Samuel
耳記下 sā mǔ ěr jì xià Second book of Samuel
jiào mǔ godmother