mother; female elders; female

HSK 4 #565


母 mǔ
  • mother
  • elderly female relative
  • origin
  • source
  • (of animals) female


母 stroke order diagram
母 stroke order animation


韩文字 hán wén zì mǔ hangul, Korean phonetic alphabet; Korean letters
韓文字 hán wén zì mǔ hangul, Korean phonetic alphabet; Korean letters
yùn mǔ medial and final of a Chinese syllable (excluding initial consonant and tone); the rhyming part of a Chinese syllable; rhyme; vowel; character used in traditional phonetics to indicate value of rhyme; final sound; phoneme
yǎng mǔ foster mother; adoptive mother
乳 wèi mǔ rǔ breastfeeding
乳 wèi mǔ rǔ breastfeeding
首字 shǒu zì mǔ initial letters
首字拚音词 shǒu zì mǔ pīn yīn cí acronym
首字拚音詞 shǒu zì mǔ pīn yīn cí acronym
首字缩写 shǒu zì mǔ suō xiě acronym
首字縮寫 shǒu zì mǔ suō xiě acronym
高祖 gāo zǔ mǔ great-great-grandmother
bǎo mǔ female brothel keeper; a bawd
鼻韵 bí yùn mǔ (of Chinese pronunciation) a vowel followed by a nasal consonant
鼻韻 bí yùn mǔ (of Chinese pronunciation) a vowel followed by a nasal consonant
孝敬父 xiào jìng fù mǔ to show filial piety to one's parents; to care for and respect one's parents
孝顺父 xiào shùn fù mǔ being filial to one's parents