HSK | 3 |
FREQUENCY | 567th character |
RADICAL | ⽎ (79.5) |
INDEX # | 1555 |
section, piece, division
- section, piece, division
- surname Duan
- paragraph
- section
- segment
- stage (of a process)
- classifier for stories, periods of time, lengths of thread etc

阶段 jiē duàn | stage; section; phase; period; CL:個|个[ge4] |
不择手段 bù zé shǒu duàn | by fair means or foul; by hook or by crook; unscrupulously |
手段 shǒu duàn | method; means (of doing sth); strategy; trick; CL:個|个[ge4] |
片段 piàn duàn | fragment (of speech etc); extract (from book etc); episode (of story etc) |
时段 shí duàn | time interval; work shift; time slot; the twelve two-hour divisions of the day |
赛段 sài duàn | stage of a competition |
告一段落 gào yī duàn luò | to come to the end of a phase (idiom) |
桥段 qiáo duàn | scene (in a movie etc); bridging element (in a performance) |
段子 duàn zi | item of storytelling or performed dialogue (folk arts); sketch |
地段 dì duàn | section; district |
前段 qián duàn | front part (of an object); first part (of an event); previous paragraph |
身段 shēn duàn | a woman's physique; figure; posture on stage |
波段 bō duàn | wave band |
段落 duàn luò | phase; time interval; paragraph; (written) passage |
现阶段 xiàn jiē duàn | at the present stage |
频段 pín duàn | (radio) band; frequency band |
分段 fēn duàn | segment |
阶段性 jiē duàn xìng | specific to a particular stage (of a project etc); interim (policy etc); occurring in stages; phased |
中段 zhōng duàn | middle section; middle period; middle area; mid- |
唱段 chàng duàn | aria (in opera) |
三段论 sān duàn lùn | syllogism (deduction in logic) |
线段 xiàn duàn | line segment |
机务段 jī wù duàn | locomotive depot |
段位 duàn wèi | rank; class; (Japanese martial arts and board games) dan |
NG片段 n g piàn duàn | (film and TV) blooper |