
breed, spawn; increase; prosper

HSK 6 #1438


殖 zhí
  • to grow
  • to reproduce


殖 stroke order diagram
殖 stroke order animation


心臟移 xīn zàng yí zhí heart transplant
民主义 xīn zhí mín zhǔ yì neocolonialism
民主義 xīn zhí mín zhǔ yì neocolonialism
民化 xīn zhí mín huà neocolonialization
有性生 yǒu xìng shēng zhí sexual reproduction
利 zhí lì to generate a profit; profit; yield
民主義 zhí mín zhǔ yì colonialism
民者 zhí mín zhě colonizer; colonist; settler
水产养 shuǐ chǎn yǎng zhí aquaculture
水產養 shuǐ chǎn yǎng zhí aquaculture
肛孔 xiè zhí gāng kǒng cloaca (of bird or reptile)
腔 xiè zhí qiāng cloaca; cloacal cavity (of bird, reptile etc)
腔 xiè zhí qiāng cloaca; cloacal cavity (of bird, reptile etc)
海水养 hǎi shuǐ yǎng zhí aquaculture
海水養 hǎi shuǐ yǎng zhí aquaculture
无性繁 wú xìng fán zhí asexual reproduction
無性繁 wú xìng fán zhí asexual reproduction
力 shēng zhí lì fertility
器官 shēng zhí qì guān reproductive organ
系统 shēng zhí xì tǒng reproductive system
系統 shēng zhí xì tǒng reproductive system
细胞 shēng zhí xì bāo germ cell; reproductive cell
細胞 shēng zhí xì bāo germ cell; reproductive cell
轮 shēng zhí lún svādhisthāna or svadhisthana, the navel or libido chakra 查克拉, residing in the genitals
輪 shēng zhí lún svādhisthāna or svadhisthana, the navel or libido chakra 查克拉, residing in the genitals