
used in transliterating non-Chinese words such as Europe, ohm; surname


歐 ōu
  • Europe
  • abbr. for 歐洲|欧洲[Ou1 zhou1]
  • surname Ou
  • (used for transliteration)
  • old variant of 謳|讴[ou1]


一個幽靈在洲遊蕩 yī gè yōu líng zài ōu zhōu yóu dàng Ein Gespenst geht um in Europa.; the opening sentence of Marx and Engels' "Communist Manifesto"
zhōng ōu China-Europe (e.g. trading relations); Central Europe
yà ōu see 歐亞|欧亚[Ou1 Ya4]
大陸 yà ōu dà lù Eurasian continent
大陸橋 yà ōu dà lù qiáo Eurasian land bridge (rail line linking China and Europe)
大陸腹地 yà ōu dà lù fù dì Eurasian hinterland (i.e. Central Asia including Xinjiang)
傑西・文斯 jié xī ・ ōu wén sī Jesse Owens (1913-1980), American athlete
pú ōu (old) waiter (loanword from "boy"); attendant
běi ōu north Europe; Scandinavia
航空公司 běi ōu háng kōng gōng sī Scandinavian Airlines (SAS)
nán ōu Southern Europe
卡西 kǎ xī ōu Casio
人 yìn ōu rén Indo-European (person)
文 yìn ōu wén Indo-European (language)
語 yìn ōu yǔ Indo-European (language)
語系 yìn ōu yǔ xì Indo-European family of languages
語言 yìn ōu yǔ yán Indo-European (language)
tuō ōu to go through a difficult and protracted process in withdrawing from the EU, as in the case of Brexit (a play on 脫歐|脱欧[tuo1 Ou1])
dōng ōu Eastern Europe
平原 dōng ōu píng yuán East European Plain
亞 ōu yà Europe and Asia; Eurasia
亞大陸 ōu yà dà lù Eurasia
亞紅尾鴝 ōu yà hóng wěi qú (bird species of China) common redstart (Phoenicurus phoenicurus)
亞鴝 ōu yà qú (bird species of China) European robin (Erithacus rubecula)
亞鵟 ōu yà kuáng (bird species of China) common buzzard (Buteo buteo)
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