desire, want, long for; intend

HSK 6 #1045


  • desire, want, long for
  • intend
  • desire
  • appetite
  • passion
  • lust
  • greed
  • to wish for
  • to desire
  • variant of 慾|欲[yu4]


欲 stroke order diagram
欲 stroke order animation


wù yù material desire; craving for material things
主义 jìn yù zhǔ yì asceticism
望眼穿 wàng yǎn yù chuān to anxiously await
shòu yù beastly desire
馋涎滴 chán xián yù dī lit. to drool with desire (idiom); fig. to hunger for; greedy
lì yù cupidity
一逞兽 yī chěng shòu yù to give way to one's beastly lust
一逞獸 yī chěng shòu yù to give way to one's beastly lust
心 lì yù xīn cupidity
期 kǒu yù qī oral stage (psychology)
口腹之 kǒu fù zhī yù desire for good food
shì yù lust
喷薄出 pēn bó yù chū to be on the verge of eruption (idiom); (of the sun) to emerge in all its brilliance
噴薄出 pēn bó yù chū to be on the verge of eruption (idiom); (of the sun) to emerge in all its brilliance
善其事,必先利其器 gōng yù shàn qí shì , bì xiān lì qí qì To do a good job, an artisan needs the best tools (idiom). Good tools are prerequisite to the successful execution of a job
己所不,勿施于人 jǐ suǒ bù yù , wù shī yú rén What you don't want done to you, don't do to others. (idiom, from the Confucian analects); Do as you would be done by.; Do not do to others what you would not have them do to you.
己所不,勿施於人 jǐ suǒ bù yù , wù shī yú rén What you don't want done to you, don't do to others. (idiom, from the Confucian analects); Do as you would be done by.; Do not do to others what you would not have them do to you.
jī yù almost; nearly going to
jī yù almost; nearly going to
从心所 cóng xīn suǒ yù whatever you like; to do as one pleases
從心所 cóng xīn suǒ yù whatever you like; to do as one pleases
jí yù to be keen to ...; to be anxious to ...
高潮 xìng yù gāo cháo orgasm
zì yù to follow lustful desires
死 yù xiān yù sǐ to wish one were dead (idiom); (fig.) to be in seventh heaven