
threshold, door-sill


檻 kǎn
  • door sill
  • threshold
檻 jiàn
  • banister
  • balustrade
  • cage for animal or prisoner
  • to transport caged prisoner on a cart


xià kǎn doorsill
朱雲折 zhū yún zhē kǎn Mr Zhu Yun breaks the railing (idiom); to challenge and admonish boldly
核門 hé mén jiàn nuclear threshold
花籠鶴 jiàn huā lóng hè a flower in a cage, a crane in a basket (idiom); prisoner
車 jiàn chē cart with cage, used to escort prisoner
lóng jiàn cage (for animals)
籠鳥猿 lóng niǎo jiàn yuán bird in a basket, monkey in a cage (idiom); prisoner
踏破門 tā pò mén kǎn to wear out the doorstep (idiom); to crowd at sb's door
xuān jiàn railings of a balcony
mén kǎn doorstep; sill; threshold; fig. knack or trick (esp. scheme to get sth cheaper)
lán jiàn railing; fence; banisters
lán kǎn see 闌檻|阑槛[lan2 jian4]
雕楹碧 diāo yíng bì kǎn carved pillar, jade doorsill (idiom); heavily decorated environment
雲窗霧 yún chuāng wù kǎn cloud around the window, mist on the threshold (idiom); tall building with the windows in the clouds
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